Rio Panama
Engineering in Missions Internship - 2022
Program Overview
The January EI Program is designed to give current engineering students an overview of applied engineering in the mission field. Rio Missions has been operating in Panama for over 10 years and is dedicated to equipping and encouraging the emerging church in Panama. We do this through various methods including a strong focus on meeting practical needs of church communities in poor areas. One of the most pertinent needs in the majority of our partner communities is access. We have partnered with the Messiah College Collaboratory for the last 5 years to bring safe and well built bridges to various communities. *Students may apply with Messiah College for up to 3 internship credits.
Students in the program can expect to:
Visit and assess previous bridge projects
Learn first hand about the global need for engineering in the mission field
Participate in other missions activities with Rio
Gather data for future engineering projects in Panama
Develop relationships with local believers
Live missionally and Grow spiritually in an adventurous setting
Cost $1895 : Not including airfare, does include housing, transportation, meals, program teachings, guide, etc. *Off days and associated costs are not included.
Please click the icon and fill out the EI ap and submit via email EI Ap